Fried Donuts

Fried Donuts


300g bread flour

4g instant yeast

30g granulated sugar

1 egg

160g milk

10g vegetable oil



  1. In the stand mixer bowl, bring together bread flour, yeast, sugar, egg, milk and vegetable oil. Beat in medium-high speed until a soft dough ball forms. Let the dough ball rise until doubled in size.
  2. Press and knead the dough ball flat. Divide the dough into 8 equal pieces. Roll into 8 dough balls and press them to be a little flatter. Cover them with plastic wrap and let rest for 20 minutes. Shape them into donuts.
  3. In a pot, add in some vegetable oil, over medium-low heat, put in the donuts and let each side fry until golden brown. Cover the fried donuts with granulated sugar and serve.
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